Saint Benedict
Saint Benedict was born at Norcia around 480 AD. That historical time frame, a mere four years before the Western Roman Empire formally fell by the deposition of the last Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was quite difficult. The only authentic life of Saint Benedict is that which is contained in the second book of the Pope Saint Gregory’s Dialogues, probably written between 593-594 AD.
Fr. Andreas Amrhein (1844-1927)
On September 24, 1885, the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing was formed and formally approved by the Holy See.
In 1887, the entire community moved from Reichenbach to Emming in Upper Bavaria (Diocese of Augsburg), which was later named "St. Ottilien." Within a few years, the Sisters’ congregation separated itself administratively from that of the monks, while maintaining their close spiritual and missionary relationships with the monks, especially in the African countries

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Seeking GOD
In his gratuitous love Jesus Christ has called us to follow him in religious life. Responding to the call we set out in faith to walk his way under his guidance.