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the Month of Pilgrimage
Share the Fragrance of Chrysanthemum Flowers
Share the Fragrance of Chrysanthemum Flowers (3)

She made the land a beautiful garden planting chrysanthemums; and she invited the community of the Priory House to share the fragrance of chrysanthemum flowers.

The Korean Thanksgiving, the Chuseok also known as Hangawi
The Korean Thanksgiving, the Chuseok also known as Hangawi
The Korean Thanksgiving, the Chuseok also known as Hangawi (2)

The Korean Thanksgiving, the Chuseok also known as Hangawi The Chuseok literally “Autumn Eve”, known as Hangawi which is a major harvest festival celebrating for three-day holidays in South Korea. Chuseok is commonly translated as “Korean Thanksgiving” in English. As a celebration of the good harvest, the non-believers give thanks to Heaven and ancestors, the believers give thanks to God, and the buddhists give thanks to Buddha. On the day before the Chuseok, the community of the Sisters gathe

in the Farm

The Easter Africa Ongoing Program is the first program that was seen in the subtitle "In the Footsteps of our Pioneers: Reclaiming our Missionary Zeal" to follow the mission life and the services of our pioneer sisters in Easter Africa. Our pioneer murdered/martyred sisters in Africa are Sr. M. Martha Wansing, Sr. M. Felicitas Hiltner, Sr. M. Cordula Ebert, and Sr. M. Walburga Depolder. And the 20 sisters from each priory, 3 organizing members, and 1 translator, total of 24 sisters started the

The “Benedictine Life” Retreat

The 7 young women joined to experience the “Benedictine Life” seeking God through prayer and work. They prayed with the community of the sisters and had they worked and had snacks between their works. They said they enjoyed the recreation time! Through their experience, they found small joys and happiness here and there. They returned home with hope to meet again in in the near future.

The Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Religious Profession

The Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Religious Profession - Monday, July 31: The 7 Sisters celebrated their 25 years of Religious Profession in the chapel of the Priory House. It was the closing day of 8 day annual retreat guided by Father Seongyeong Choi, SJ., therefore, the sisters from the retreat and the sisters from local houses together with the sisters of the priory house celebrated the Eucharistic Mass at 7 AM. Our rector Father Dionysius Park, OSB and Father Casiano Ham, OSB and

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Each group of the community started the Eucharistic Adoration after the Eucharistic Mass. Right after the Noon Prayer each one of the community held the lighted candle and offered together the prayer of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Especially, the community renewed our consecration and offered our congregation and our priories; and thanked to Jesus for His endless grace, love and blessing to us.

The Feast of the Holy Sprit (2)

The Feast of the Holy Sprit - Sunday, June 4: On Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended and the Church was born! “Begotten from above by water and the Spirit” the community offered the Matutine on the Saturday at 7:30 PM, June 3 and waiting for the Feast of the Holy Spirit singing the Te Deum, the traditional hymn of joy and thanksgiving. We all sang the Te Deum with deep heartfelt thanksgiving petitioning the grace of renewal; and all the lay people who attended the Matutine were deeply moved to

The Feast of the Holy Sprit
The Feast of the Holy Sprit (2)
The Feast of the Holy Sprit
The Feast of the Holy Sprit (3)
The Night of the Holy Mother

The Arrival of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima The Statue, which was on a pilgrimage around Asia to celebrate the centennial of the apparition at Fatima arrived at the Benedict Spirituality Center of Daegu Priory at 3 PM, May 25, 2017. The group of pilgrims was going to stay at the Benedict Spirituality Center for the schedules of pilgrimage in Archdiocese of Daegu. As the sisters of Priory House welcomed the arrival of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

he Night of the Holy Mother (2)
he Night of the Holy Mother
The Night of the Holy Mother
he Night of the Holy Mother (2)
he Night of the Holy Mother
The Night of the Holy Mother
The Night of the Holy Mother (2)
The Night of the Holy Mother (3)
Harvesting the Chamomile Flowers (2)

Blanketed with fallen Blanketed with fallen leaves the chamomile flowers spent the winter warmly; and the natural fertilizer helped the chamomile flowers to bloom beautifully! It is the joy to see the growing and blooming of the chamomile, and gives a great joy to harvest and dry and store chamomile to use for teas and to produce medicine products. We are very grateful to the sisters who took care of the chamomile farm and to honey bees and to God for His care through the sun and rain and wind!

Harvesting the Chamomile Flowers
Harvesting the Chamomile Flowers
The Vocation Sunday Event (3)

The Vocation Sunday Event was held at the St. Justino Seminary of the Archdiocese of Daegu. The Seminary was opened to young visitors who are interested in the life of priesthood and sisterhood. For the event the Seminary prepared various programs as well as the religious orders. Our sisters presented the video of Latin Mass and Prayers sung by our priory sisters. We also opened a booth to introduce our congregation, priory and ministries.

The Vocation Sunday Event (4)
January 1 Happy New Year! (2)

January 1 Happy New Year!

February 2 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the community held the blessed beeswax lighted candles and processed into the chapel and celebrated the Candlemas singing the Simeon's song of joy to infant Jesus as the “light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel” (Luke 2:32). After Eucharistic Mass, the sisters of the community consecrated our services to God!

February 2 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (2)
January 1 Happy New Year!

On New Year’s Day, the octave day of Christmas, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God! We also celebrated the World Day of Peace asking God’s grace for the peace of the world. Since we are living in troubled times, especially we are living in the constant tension given by the North Korea and the danger of war in our country, we sincerely pray for God’s mercy in our country.

February 2 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (3)
February 8 Initiation Ceremony for Novice Years

Initiation ceremony for novice years of Postulant Stephania Kim was held at 5:40 PM in the chapter room of the Priory House. It is the time of initiation into religious life during which she is guided by the Holy Spirit and under the guidance of the directress of novices and grows in friendship with Christ. We are happy and grateful to God and pray for Stephania to experience the charism, deepens and lives in the community in prayer and develops her conscious and joyful response to God's love!

February 8 Initiation Ceremony for Novice Years (2)
February 8 Initiation Ceremony for Novice Years
February 9 First Profession of Vows

The first profession of the novice Cecilia Choi took place at the chapel of the Priory House before God and the community and Reverend Father Dionysius Park upon completion of the two-year novitiate program. Cecilia received the religious name Sister Amabilis, and thus, Sister Amabilis began the formative period of the temporary profession. May she be sustained by the love of God in the journey of her religious life!

February 9 First Profession of Vows (2)
February 9 First Profession of Vows (3)
February 9 First Profession of Vows (5)
February 9 First Profession of Vows (4)
February 10 Final Profession of Vows (2)

We prayed and pray that they be dedicated themselves to the service of God and His people in the love of Jesus!

February 10 Final Profession of Vows
February 10 Final Profession of Vows (4)
February 10 Final Profession of Vows (3)
February 10 Final Profession of Vows
Ash Wednesday (2)

Our Lenten journey began by receiving the ashes on our foreheads, we engraved the words “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ. Repent and believe the Good News: God longs for you to be whole.” After the Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word and Eucharistic celebration, the community gathered at the chapter room and continued the Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word and each sister received a wished book to read and a paper written her act of

Planting Potatoes in the Farm

Organic farming is our method of growing vegetables at the Priory House! Sr. Simeon Hong, the directress of our farm, cultivated and prepared a large potato plot to plant potatoes. Our young sisters, junior sisters, and novitiate members were instructed to plant potatoes – begin rows about 3 feet apart and plant the seed potato about 18 inches apart in the row, etc. Planting potatoes in such a large plot would have been very hard work, however, since the half of the community worked together mad

Planting Potatoes in the Farm (3)
Planting Potatoes in the Farm (5)
Planting Potatoes in the Farm (6)
Planting Potatoes in the Farm (2)
Planting Potatoes in the Farm (4)

After the Morning Prayer, the assembly of the sisters gathered at the main gate of the convent and the palms were blessed. In commemoration of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem to fulfill the mystery of Pascha, the assembly of the sisters processed to the chapel in singing the “Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is He who comes into the Name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest”.


As the Sacred Triduum started, the assembly of the sisters at the Priory House had the Thursday Dinner in memory of the Lord’s Laster Supper followed by the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. After the Lord’s Supper, we processed the reserved sacrament to the Altar of Repose. And the sisters reamined for the last prayer of the day followed by the Holy Hour . After Holy Hour the each group of sisters had Eucharistic Adoration from 9 PM to 12 PM.


Early in the moring in deep silence but in hope, the assembly of the sisters began the Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday by Matutine; and many guests participated the litrugy. At 1:30 PM, led by the novices the assembly of the sisters and guests had the Way of the Cross in the back garden of the convent. And at 3 PM the liturgy of the Lord’s Passion took place, namely, the Liturgy of the Word, the Adoration of the Cross, and the Holy Communion in reflections sinking deeply into our hearts.

The Easter Vigil , April 16 The Resurrection of the Lord (4)
The Easter Vigil , April 16 The Resurrection of the Lord (3)
The Easter Vigil , April 16 The Resurrection of the Lord (2)
The Easter Vigil , April 16 The Resurrection of the Lord

The Easter Vigil liturgy began at 10:30 PM in the midst of many guests filled the chapel. The dramatic Easter Vigil liturgy marked the beginning of Easter. The beautiful liturgy is divided into four parts: the Service of Light, the Liturgy of the Word, the Newal of the Liturgy of Baptism, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. After the Easter Vigil liturgy, the community invited guests and served the midnight snack. “The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!”

The Night of the Holy Mother of the Religious Orde (2)
The Night of the Holy Mother of the Religious Orde

The Night of the Holy Mother of the Religious Orders in Archdiocese of Daegu was held in the evening of May 8 at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in the compound of Archdiocese of Daegu.

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